Monday, May 22, 2006

Ueno Zoo, Tokyo

Did I hear you correctly, Mom and Dad? Did you say we're going to the zoo today?

Yay!!! Don't forget my milk and snacks, please.

Okay, okay, let's get to the real deal, I don't feel like sitting beside this fake panda bear...there's so much to see!

Mom, Dad, why does the panda look so bored? He must not like being kept in a small room all day long. He must get very annoyed by all the flashing lights of cameras.
Wow, look at the size of the hippo! You could fit about 10 of me in his belly!!

Follow me, I think the giraffes, elephants and zebras are this way...

Who painted the stripes on the white horsey?

Dad, did you hear me say "giraffe"? Because I did, I actually said it!!

Does that say what I think it says?!

I think I'm getting tired...time for a nap.

(Apparently, Markus wasn't the only one needing a nap)

Okay, I think we've had enough fun for today.

Let's go home,

I think the Ueno Station is this way...


Amanda, Ian, Addison, Aiden, and Isaiah said...

LOVED the pictures! I'm so sorry that we missed it. We'll definitely have to get there.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, Markus is enjoying his time in Japan! He is growing quite beautifully! What a smile!:)

Anonymous said...

this is jacq and g rawldin...coo pictures! rodney lol/
love you bye/

Anonymous said...

we are a M A R K U S fans!!!

Anonymous said...