Friday, December 14, 2007

Namban Rengo Bonenkai

The Namban Rengo Bonenkai (Year-end Christmas Party) was held on Saturday, December 8. This was the night after Amy Rivard's concert, which meant the second night out in a row for me while Rodney stayed home with Markus...such a sweet husband!

Greg and Satohi receiving awards from Steve

A large portion of the night included updates and news over the year given by the groups' proprietor, Bob Poulson (photo left), followed by awards presented by team leaders Steve Lacey and Brett Larner. After the speeches, it was party time...lots more of drinking and dancing!

This would be my official first social gathering to attend with the Nambanners since joining the group in August. I gotta say this group really likes to have a good time. During Wednesday night track training, everyone is usually in serious running mode, so this was a side of the group that I hadn't discovered. What a surprise it was to see Renald's fridge stocked...I mean stocked with beer. I guess I didn't expect it since I know most runners are in training mode gearing up for upcoming races including the 2008 Tokyo Marathon in February. If you put in the "carb-loading" perspective, I guess beer fits into that category of consumption. Regardless, everyone had a great time.

It was wonderful to hear truly inspiring stories from many of the avid runners in the group. Makes you really want to strive to be a better runner; at least for me, that is. Our next group race is on January 20, which is the Shibuya Ekiden. It is a relay race which consists of four legs, each running about 3km. Not bad at all. Apparently the ekiden/relay is a big event for the Nambanners. Tanoshimi! (Looking forward to it!)

With running friends Alice O'Reily and Meg


Above with Alice O'Reily and Steve Lacey

The host, Renald Gregoire and the Beer Fridge

With fellow Canadians Renald Gregoire and Brett Larner

Gettin' their groove on!

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